Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Got a bit of shopping done for my dress project. School's started, so I'm hard pressed to find time for sewing, but I am determined! I picked up fabric for the last two dresses and velvet for trim on the one I'm currently working on. 

Clockwise, starting from top left: green (celery if you want to be snobby bout it) satin to be used to trim my ball gown (Simplicity 2881), ivory satin-y taffeta-y stuff (whatever the bridal section had) to be the main part of the ball gown, oodles of black cotton for the mourning dress (so as far as I know, cotton for mourning isn't exactly period, but it's for Tennessee in July, and it's in my budget...) sheer white cotton for under sleeves of current dress (the green one), and black velvet for trimming. 

I also grabbed some buttons and lace and other notions. 

Last but not least, I ordered a bonnet awhile back off eBay (specifically a mourning bonnet), and I finally got around to photographing it! 

That's all for now! I'll try and get more progress up soon!