Sunday, May 19, 2013

150th Commemoration and Re-dedication of the Civil War Monument

,Yesterday was our History Day, where we celebrated 150th anniversary of the rebuilding of our former town hall and the Unitarian church. I was technically there with the Historical Society, but I am in the process of formally joining the 13th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, so I sat with the ladies for most of the day.
The ladies of the 13th! (and one from the 15th)
The members of the 13th not from Grafton camped on the common overnight so they could be around for all the town's citizens to see for the entire day.

Muster on the common
The Civil War monument was also rededicated and re-landscaped as an Eagle Scout project for one of the members of the 13th. 60 men from Grafton died in the war.
There was also a costume ball encompassing all eras last night, but there weren't any good photos of me. Overall I had a ton of fun and I look forward to doing more reenacting with the 13th!

All pictures courtesy of Richard Gardner

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I'm in the paper!

This is what happens when the news finds out about a sixteen year old seamstress- Never expected to be interviewed, but it's pretty cool!